If you’re not familiar with Tailwind it’s an excellent tool for scheduling Pinterest pins and building tribes that help you grow your reach on Pinterest. We love Pinterest Growth so much we decided to find and list the top 100 tribes on Tailwind so you don’t have to. Without further adieu let’s jump right into our top 100 Pinterest Tribes on Tailwind.
Are you interested in becoming a Pinterest influencer? If so, we can help you organically grow your Pinterest account. Book a 15 minutes growth consult today.
Top Tailwind Fashion Tribes
Stylish Mamas
This tribe is a great tribe for fashion and beauty bloggers who are also moms. If that sounds like you, you’ll definitely be amongst fellow bloggers who understand your niche.
Women’s Fashion & Style
If you’ve been looking for a women’s fashion tribe this tribe is definitely for you. It’s filled with fashion bloggers and fashion entrepreneurs who post content related to fashion like fashion guides, outfit of the day, fashion advice, and fashion trends.
Over 40 Style Bloggers
If you’re a fashionista above the age of 40 or running a business catering specifically to the 40+ crew this is a tribe you’ll love. Note, you must have content other than shopping links to post in this tribe!
Fashion and Beauty Instagram Influencers
Have you been searching for a quality Instagram Tribe related to fashion and beauty? If so, this tribe is definitely it. It’s well managed and focuses specifically on fashion and beauty content.
Fashion, Beauty, Style (hosted by SipBiteGo.com)
If you’re a consummate repinner and ready to grow with people who love fashion, this is definitely the tribe for you. The more active you are on this tribe the better are your results.
Ladies Fashion Bloggers
Fashion Blogger Tribe is for Women’s fashion ideas, outfits, wedding dresses, career outfits, accessories, and suggestions for what to wear.
Fashion and Style Bloggers
This tribe is for all fashion bloggers who can share their fashion pins and help each other grow.
Female Fashion Bloggers 
This tribe is for all Female fashion and beauty bloggers.
Steal The Style: Fashion & Beauty Blogs 
This tribe is all about fashion, beauty, style, cosmetics, skincare, makeup, clothing, apparel, shoes, and outfits of the day.
Fashion, Beauty, skincare 
To join, you must reply to understand the rules & will immediately re-pin 10 pins before submitting any of your own! Post your favorite looks, fashion finds, accessories, makeup tutorials, nail designs, skincare routines, and anything else having to do with fashion and beauty.
Are you interested in becoming a Pinterest influencer? If so, we can help you organically grow your Pinterest account. Book a 15 minutes growth consult today.
Fashion & Beauty Tribe 
A place to share your fashion and beauty pins and grow together! This only works if we all share each other’s pins. You will be removed from the tribe if you don’t follow the rules.
Women Beauty Tribe 
This tribe is all about women’s beauty: makeup ideas and looks, skincare advice, nail care and nail designs, hair care, and haircuts.
Chic Sisters 
Pin Everything! Let us see what you’re bringing to the table.
Beauty, Health & Self-Care Tribe 
A place to share your beauty, health, and self-care pins and grow together!
Happiness & Wellness Bloggers 
A tribe where bloggers can connect and support each other’s blogs. Any niche that inspires you to be happy and live well is welcomed!!
Beauty and Makeup 
All pins are related to beauty, makeup tips, and tutorials!
Beauty bloggers tribe! 
This tribe is for all beauty and fashion bloggers. Post your beauty and fashion pins here! Remember to pin one pin for every pin you add!
Female Beauty Bloggers 
This tribe is for any lady blogger who blogs about all things beauty! From skincare to makeup products, we have it all here!
Beauty Bloggers 
A tribe that is perfect to place all beauty related pins.
Fashion Passion Lifestyle & Beauty 
Fashion Passion is a tribe to share your fashions, beauty products, lifestyle, and accessories.
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Social Media & Digital Marketing 
All things about marketing – marketing tips to help bloggers & small business owners grow their business.
Blogging & Entrepreneurship | Blogging Butterfly 
This tribe is for all your pins about blogging, building your own business, or working from home.
Work From Home & Online Business 
This group is for any posts related to working from home opportunities or tips.
Internet Marketing Super Friends 
What this tribe is about: Learn how to drive traffic and exposure to your blog or eCommerce site.
Blogging & Social Media Marketing Pros 
For content creators and influencers who love to share and promote great social media for business content.
Social Media Marketing 
All pins are related to social media marketing tips, trends, ideas, and advice.
Digital Marketing Tribe 
Digital Marketing Tribe is all about sharing tips on how to grow an online business with digital marketing – ads, SEO, email marketing, which social media and email marketing tool to use, and etc.
Digital Marketing, Analytics & SEO 
Find and suggest ways to improve your online presence and grow your audience by optimizing your website & social media!
Social Media Tips 
Pin Topics – Social Media hints & tips, How to Grow your Social Media Channels, How to use Social Media to get more traction in your business.
Online Marketing 
Join Jac Bowie, Australia’s leading online marketing specialist for women in business.
Are you interested in growing your Pinterest Business Community? If so, we can help you organically grow your Pinterest account. Book a 15 minutes growth consult today.
Traveling around the world 
Are you looking for travel only tribe? If so, then this is the tribe for you.
Budget Travel & Lifestyle [Mappin Monday Tribe] ![Budget Travel _ Lifestyle [Mappin Monday Tribe] Top Tailwind Tribes](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%201920%20888'%3E%3C/svg%3E)
Beautiful Pins about budget travel & lifestyle.
2 for 1 shares – Travel Pinspiration 
Pin your very best vertical Travel pins from anywhere around the globe.
Post your travel pins, anything about travel tips, destinations, and products.
Best Travel, Inspiration & Destinations 
Share the best of your travel tips, inspiration, and experiences.
Family Travel & More 
Primarily a tribe for family travel articles, however, if you have some great travel tips for anyone we welcome those too.
A tribe for enthusiastic travel bloggers.
Dream.Pin.Go. [Mappin Monday Tribe] ![Dream.Pin.Go. [Mappin Monday Tribe] Top Tailwind Tribes](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%201920%20888'%3E%3C/svg%3E)
All travel pins are from the Mappin Monday Pinterest Community.
Wanderlust & Foodie lovers Tribe 
All globetrotters and foodies are welcome to join this tribe.
#BloggersGetSocial Travel 
Travel Tribe: All pins are on beautiful travel imagery and vertical images only.
Are you interested in becoming a Pinterest influencer? If so, we can help you organically grow your Pinterest account. Book a 15 minutes growth consult today.
Small Business 
Pins are related to any small business tips.
Blogging + Income Tips, Strategies 
Awesome blogging + Income tips from awesome bloggers!
Digital Nomads | Blogging and Business tips 
Pin all your digital nomad lifestyle tips regarding running a location independent business.
The Productive Solopreneur 
Share pins related to blogging, social media, growing an online business, and productivity.
Blogging + Biz Tips 
This tribe is for sharing pins related to blogging, entrepreneurship, business, social media, and making money online.
Action-Taking Business Owners Community 
This tribe is for action-taking business owners and bloggers to support each other in growing their business online.
Business & Career Resources for Women 
Pins are all on articles, blog posts, and infographics for career content.
Working Moms
Pins to help the working mom: productivity, career advice, life-hacks, and working-mom advice.
Amazing Women Entrepreneurs 
Women Entrepreneurs Only. For women who are looking to scale their online business or start an online business.
E-commerce Success Tips 
This tribe is for savvy e-commerce business owners who want to share their e-commerce tips with a wider audience.
Are you interested to grow your Pinterest Business account organically? Book a 15 minutes growth consult today.
Photography Tips 
Photography tips and tricks, all that can help to make better pictures.
Travel Photography – NO TEXT 
A tribe for travel photography with no text on the pins.
Travel PHOTO ONLY [Mappin Monday Tribe] ![Travel PHOTO ONLY [Mappin Monday Tribe] Top Tailwind Tribes](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%201366%20576'%3E%3C/svg%3E)
Please share your best travel photography in this group.
Travel & Wanderlust 
Welcome to the tribe! Share any posts regarding travel and wanderlust! Please only share your Pinterest covers to posts, that are only vertical! Thanks!
Photographing The World 
Photography of landscapes and life from all around the world, share your best photos, and find other high-quality photos for your boards!
Children’s & Family Photography 
A tribe that’s for children’s & family photography only.
Travel Destinations 
Travel tips and advice for all travelers and nomads.
Gorgeous Wedding Ideas: Planners, Photographers, Bloggers 
A tribe for wedding bloggers, wedding photographers, and wedding industry professionals to support each other’s work.
Engagement Photo Inspiration 
Inspiration for the engaged couple, romantic and fun ideas to use in your engagement photo session.
Art, paintings, photography – Prints, and originals for sale 
A tribe for artists to market their goods.
Are you interested in becoming a Pinterest influencer? If so, we can help you organically grow your Pinterest account. Book a 15 minutes growth consult today.
Bloggers Unite Tribe 
Bloggers from any niche are welcome, a place to share fabulous content and help each other out.
HerPaperRoute Blogging Hive 
A place to pin awesome content for blogging.
Bloggers Promote Your Blog 
Bloggers promote your blog was created to help all us bloggers grow and support each other.
Blogging Friends Pins 
Blogging Friends promoting each other’s pins.
#BloggersGetSocial Books 
This tribe is for #BloggersGetSocial members who share amazing book posts and loves to pin.
Profitable Blogging Tips 
Pins related to blogging (blogging tips, blog monetization, blog income reports, blog productivity, and etc.)
Blogging Tips 
Place all your blogging, social media, traffic, and affiliate marketing tip pins.
Bloggers Chalkboard 
Everything to help bloggers – blogging tips, social media tips, monetization methods, and email list building.
Blogger Lifestyle 
Use this tribe to promote all of your amazing blog content.
Bloggers Come Together (100+) 
Tribe for anyone with re-pins of 100 or more with topics on home, garden, DIY, crafts, holiday, farming, recipes, green living, blogging tips, and lifestyle.
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Natural Health & Wellbeing 
Pins related to natural health & wellbeing tips, remedies, and stories.
Happiness & Wellness Bloggers 
A tribe where bloggers can connect and support each other’s blogs.
Gettin’ Healthy + Happy 
A tribe of friendly and motivated gals looking for the best articles and posts related to getting healthy + happy with exercise and cleaner eating habits.
Healthy Living 
A place to share health and well-being tips, healthy recipes, and gardening ideas.
A Healthy Woman 
Health and fitness information for women of all ages and at all stages of life.
Beauty, Health & Self-Care Tribe 
A place to share your beauty, health, and self-care pins and grow together.
Mindfulness, Meditation, & Yoga 
All pins related to mindfulness, meditation, yoga, stress reduction, and anxiety & depression relief.
Welcome to the AllThingsRelax tribe where members often struggle with work/life balance and seek stress relief techniques to cope up with whatever life throws their way.
Women’s health 
Health and fitness resources for women of all ages and at all stages of life.
Holistic Health Entrepreneurs and Bloggers 
Holistic health entrepreneurs and bloggers.
Are you interested to grow your Pinterest account organically? Book a 15 minutes growth consult today.
Etsy Sellers 
Welcome to the Etsy Sellers tribe! Let’s see how we can boost our shop traffic using this tool.
This tribe is exclusively for the StartACraftBlog Group. Pins are related to crafts, home decor, and blogging are all accepted here.
Home Design and DIY 
This tribe is for pictures of homes (nice interiors/exteriors, room makeovers, and home trends) and DIY (renovation tips, furniture makeovers, decor projects, art projects, and holiday/seasonal decorating).
Seasonal Holiday Ideas 
Decorating, activities, and ideas for the holidays – Halloween, Fall, Christmas, Easter, and etc.
Badass Creatives are for artists, makers, and creative entrepreneurs.
DIY Bloggers 
Pin your vertical pins to this board: DIY, crafts, and home renovations are welcome.
Kids’ Crafts 
A tribe for the best kids crafts. High-quality pins only, please.
A Home Worth Dreaming (Everything Home ONLY) 
If you have home decor inspiration, home renovations DIY, or any other Home related pins that are well thought out, stand out to catch the viewer’s eye, and you’re ready to grow your Pinterest following, this is the tribe for you.
All Things Planning & Bullet Journal 
Pin anything related to bullet journal or planner, all varieties are accepted.
Are you interested in becoming a Pinterest influencer? If so, we can help you organically grow your Pinterest account. Book a 15 minutes growth consult today.
Mmmm Recipes 
Everyone loves recipes, this tribe is all about sharing recipe pins.
Healthy Recipes for Family and Friends 
Hi! My name is Jen and I’m all about sharing recipes that nourish the body and help with weight management.
Just Food and Recipes 
This tribe is primarily on food and recipes.
Best Foodie Recipes Tribe ~ Drool Responsibly! ♥ 
A place for all foodies to post your best food & drink recipes.
Fabulous Recipes!! 
Tribe for all food bloggers to share their best recipes.
**POWER PINS** – 50K or more! 
This tribe is for food and drink pins that have 50K or more repins.
Lactose-Free Cooking 
A tribe for people interested in lactose-free or dairy-free recipes and cooking.
A Fantastic Foodie Tribe 
This is a fabulous tribe for pinning high quality, beautiful food/recipe pins only.
Kicking It With Kelly Tribe 
This is a lifestyle tribe for high-quality pins about food, beverages, crafts, and more.
Delicious Clean Food 
Tribe for all healthy food bloggers. Clean food Recipes only.
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Practical Mommy Lifestyle 
All pins related to the mommy lifestyle – fashion, recipes, organization, parenting, and crafts
#ManagingMommies Tribe 
This is a place for mom bloggers to support each other.
Entrepreneurs & Coaches 
A Tribe for small businesses, entrepreneurs, coaches, and professional trainers.
Positive Consciousness | The Art of Better 
All pins on this tribe are all about having positive consciousness with the following themes on: Meditation, Law of Attraction, Positive Outlooks, Gratitude, Mantras, Manifesting, Mindfulness, Happiness, Practices, Good Vibes, Positive Change, Self-Care.
A Home Worth Dreaming (Everything Home ONLY) 
Beautiful pins on this tribe are into home decor, home styling, furniture, and other home-related pins.
Action-Taking Business Owners Community 
Hey, there this tribe is run by Lindsey from hazelhaven.com. This tribe is for action-taking business owners and bloggers to support each other in growing their business online.
Frugality and Personal Finance 
Hey, frugal peeps! This tribe is a collection of frugality and personal finance tips.
Mom Bloggers Swap 
For any blogger who posts about parenting, kids’ activities, kids crafts, family-friendly recipes, homemaking tips, saving money – anything that would be of interest to moms.
Bloggers Supporting Bloggers
Welcome to Bloggers Supporting Bloggers! We are here to build each other up.
Christian Blogger Pins
This tribe is for all Christian bloggers that write about their faith, no matter what stage they’re at in life.
Are you interested in growing your Pinterest community? If so, we can help you organically grow your Pinterest account. Book a 15 minutes growth consult today.
#ManagingMommies Tribe
This is a place for mom bloggers to support each other.
Before and After Baby
Anything parenting, family, baby, kid, motherhood, etc related. Please no fashion or recipes.
Natural Birth, Breastfeeding, and the 4th Trimester
All things related to natural parenting itty-bitty squishy babies.
Mom Bloggers 
Pins are for all mom bloggers in support of tips and advice to blogging, fitness, food recipes, and crafts.
Momtastic Mommy Bloggers Tribe 
This is a tribe designed to help each other grow as mommy bloggers.
Parenting Tips & Tricks 
Post pins on parenting tips, tricks, advice, and life hacks.
FABULOUS Boss Babes and Gents 
His tribe is for fabulous boss babes, gents, and their affiliate pins.
Parenting & Homeschool Tribe 
Pins can be related to anything raising children: instilling values, homeschooling, chores & routine, parenting tips/hacks, etc. No recipes, please.
This board is for all things on breastfeeding.
Women’s health 
Health and fitness resources for women of all ages and at all stages of life.
Are you interested in becoming a Pinterest influencer? If so, we can help you organically grow your Pinterest account. Book a 15 minutes growth consult today.
Final Thoughts on the Best Tailwind Pinterest Tribes
Ultimately, the best tribe is a tribe you can actually engage and grow with. Look or tribes with similar content, aesthetic, and more importantly consistent management. A well-managed tribe beats a big inactive one at the end of the day. Did we miss a tribe you love? If so feel free to post a link a reason to join the tribe in the comments below.
8 Responses
Thanks for compiling this extensive list. The Beauty Health & Self Care Tribe caught my eye. a fantastic opportunity to share and discover pins related to beauty and self care. Lets thrive together in this vibrant community.
Deep Tissue Massage Therapy in Honolulu HI
I could not find a Tailwind Community for my niche, so I decided to create one. It’s new but I’m working to grow it and am sure it will be valuable to anyone who happens to belong in it. The name is “Martial Arts, Grappling, and UFC”. Here’s the link to join: https://www.tailwindapp.com/tribe/join?h=wZw0CqAm3IDX56
Karma operates on the principle that every action creates an energetic ripple, shaping our destiny. Numerology, the study of numbers and their vibrational significance, deciphers the hidden messages embedded in our birth dates and names. Dr. Rohet Sethi introduces an innovative approach that fuses these two sciences, allowing individuals to identify karmic debts, past-life influences, and key lessons meant for personal and spiritual evolution. The Karma Karma Alignment Numerology Book presents a system of 22 Karmic Alignment Numbers, each associated with an archetype from the Major Arcana of tarot. These numbers help readers uncover their strengths, challenges, and purpose while providing a step-by-step process to heal karmic imbalances and attract positive energies.