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Ready to get more Twitter followers? We all know more followers mean more exposure on Twitter and of course more social authority. Like any other ranking system, the higher your follower count, the more people assume you are an expert or at least worthy of a follow back.

You’re likely on Twitter for one of three reasons:

  • Entertainment
  • Networking
  • Sales

Whether you’re marketing yourself, a brand, product, service, or even a cause; more followers provide the opportunity to generate more leads and more conversions. With this in mind let’s talk about the 9 simple ways you can start getting more followers on Twitter.

1. Optimize Your Twitter Profile for More Reach

Twitter profile should be the first thing to take care of. Why?  Because it’s normally the first thing a user or reader looks at. It gives insight to what the company is about or what you are promoting. Make sure to have a complete profile with your full name or company name as well as a Twitter handle that fits your brand.


In the example above, we can see that Jeffree Star’s profile contains his name, his handle, and also a keyword-friendly bio like makeup which is absolutely the thing that he does. He also put a link to his website. To make sure your page stands out, customize the color scheme, and use a header image to match your brand.

Creating an interesting bio is important to explain who you are and what you do. Oh, by the way, Twitter will not include you in search results unless you fill out your username, full name, and bio.

2. Promote Your Twitter Account

Promoting yourself on other platforms is an essential way of putting your business out there. Share your handle with friends and customers using different platforms of social media like Facebook and Instagram.


As you can see, Jeffree Star chose the same Facebook username as his Twitter handle, so whenever people type the username in the search query on Google, the result will include his Twitter profile.


Try to go beyond social as well like announce it in a newsletter, put it on business cards, advertisements, and marketing materials; and embed it on your website.

3. Pay Attention to Twitter Influencers in Your Industry

Influencers marketing is a powerful strategy to attract followers. Just like in any other social media platform like Instagram, Pinterest, or Facebook; on Twitter it can be a huge step to take to grow you followers.

Check out how many followers they have and who they are, and how often they tweet and what they are tweeting. What does their profile look like? How do they respond to their competition or customers, and what types of content do they post that gets the most attention? Follow them and retweet their content to get on their radar. This step is equally important for people who wish to know how to increase Twitter followers.

4. Engage with Relevant Influencers

Finding followers and influencers is equally important rules. If you follow someone on Twitter, you must want them to follow you back. Here’s when you need to leverage the “Who to Follow” feature! You will also want to upload your email contacts to Twitter to find people you already know.


The “Who to Follow” feature is available in your Twitter Home Feed. Just scroll down a bit and look at the right bottom side. You can easily click “Show more” to explore the suggestion. Always make sure to follow influencers that are relevant to your industry. For example, if you are in the food industry, you can find and follow famous chefs or food bloggers. If they see that you are following them, they may follow you back and your tweets could end up in their feeds.

Keep in mind that whatever you do with the aim to increase Twitter followers, try to do it organically. Even though you might be tempted to buy a list of followers, those lists are typically filled with bots that cannot buy your products or services and might be deleted by Twitter anyway.

5. Stay Engaged with Your Followers

Engaging with users is a surefire way to gain exposure and a more substantial following. Tweet regularly, reply to users who have mentioned or contacted you for customer support, like and retweet others’ posts, and add your comments regularly without being too excessive.


Look the example above where Malala is replying to a tweet that mention her. Replying and getting engaged with your followers or supporters will work both ways to increase your visibility as well as your followers. When necessary, suggest other Twitter users by including their handle, and consider using Tweet chats to interact with followers who have similar interests.

6. Frequency and Timing

Find out when your users are on Twitter, so they’ll see your tweets. Since Twitter Analytics doesn’t provide any audience data, you can gain insights using data from Sprout Social, Hootsuite, or Buffer to schedule timely posts that will not get buried in your followers’ feeds.

The prevailing consensus is that the best time to post is between noon and 3 pm on weekdays, yet there are many other tips to think about. Also, stagger your tweets, so you are not overwhelming followers. Limiting your activity to a tweet every one or two hours can maximize your visibility without alienating your network. Knowing about hashtags is crucial when you want to increase Twitter followers. So next, we have discussed using relevant hashtags.

7. Leverage Hashtags and Hashtag Tools

Using relevant hashtags is important because they help users find you in their research. Hashtags are arguably the most powerful feature on Twitter. Use them often aim for at least two per tweet. Hashtags are how people find your tweets through search.


One of the example is the hashtags #ShareACoke by Coca-Cola. People use the hashtags when they are buying or enjoying the products. Make sure to use hashtags that are relevant to your brand and audience. You can also do some research and see what’s trending and look at competitors’ tweets for ideas or create a new one that might take off.

8. Curate Great Content

This is probably the most important piece of advice. Point people to helpful resources. Be generous. Be inspiring. Use enough amounts of links. Create content that other people look forward to getting and want to pass on to their own followers. This is the key to getting retweeted. See the tweet from Ben & Jerry’s that picked as the best brand speaking out and standing up in Best of Tweets by Twitter in 2020.


If you are aiming to increase Twitter followers, make sure that what you are sharing is quality over quantity, and bring variety to the content you share. Put your best foot forward by pinning your most engaging tweets to the top of your profile. When users visit your page, that is the first tweet they’ll see.

9. Be Strategic About Following

Practice strategic following is not the same as “aggressive following”. Strategic following means follow people in your industry, people who use certain keywords in their bio, and also people who follow the people you follow.

Some of them will follow you back and when they retweet you, it will introduce you to their followers which can lead to new followers for you. Keep doing this strategically and consistently to get the expected organic result. Another way you could do is use Twitter’s Advanced Search Feature to find everyone within a 50-mile radius of  your location who use the keyword that you target in their bio or a post.

Final Thoughts

Finally, do not worry too much about the numbers. You can simply follow the advice we have talked about above consistently and the numbers will follow. Like most things in life, slow and steady wins the race. Don’t underestimate the power of incremental growth over time. You will not build your following overnight.

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