Catchy TikTok username ideas help you get noticed and they also help you get some attention. Your username provides viewers a peek into what your TikTok account is all about.
TikTok has become the most popular mobile social media app globally in a short time span. You may use your own name or even a nickname, but pick a good one whatever you do because it makes huge a difference.
In this article, we have listed more than 200 TikTok username ideas according to every niche. You will never have a problem with choosing a username for your TikTok account again!
200+ TikTok Username Ideas
For starters, you can also ask your friends and family if they have any ideas for a good username. Either way, this post will help you choose a username that suits your account and content best.
Dance Related TikTok Username Ideas
If your content is more inclined towards dance, you should choose from the below-given username ideas:
- pyschodancer
- disco diva
- waltzingwizard
- dancelover
- loveandart
- livetodance
- renegadedancer
- ifyousayso
- cancancannibal
- notmysundaybest
- dontstartnow
- getupanddance
- dancingdevil
- moondancer
- kickandsplit
- dancefusion
- ackingrhythm
- glimmerglam
- ninjadancer
- darkdancer
- hiphopcantstop
- babycakes
- twistndshout
- divinedancer
- throwitback.
- onmytoes
- popprincess
- dancingqueen
- ivegotthemoves
- romeorockin
- centerstage
- borntotap
- perfectharmony
- raindropsonroses
- dandydancer
- spotlightseeker
- hiptodip
- movesofamonk
- thinkicandance
- danceordie
- lightonmyfeet
- tippytoes
- dancerwiththeband
- moshpitmomma
- lordofthedance
- dabme
- happyhoofer
- queenofthedancefloor
- divinedancer
- floatlikeabutterfly
- slamdancer
- twoleftfeet
- tinydancer
- feelthebeat
- getonyourfeet
- pirouttepirate
- gyrategirl
- hopandskip
- spinme
- whirlandtwirl
Sports-Related TikTok Username Ideas
People post sport-related videos to spread awareness about sports or to celebrate their accomplishments and capture moments of success. If you want to start posting some sports videos, here are some ideas for potential sports-related usernames.
- rowyourboat
- isthisyurajock
- ultanofswing
- allsportsallthetime
- athleticsupporter
- goalpostgawker.
- slamdunker
- nicecatcher
- pileiton
- numbahone
- hitandmiss
- borntoplay
- youreout
- soultackler
- athleticavenger
- hardcore
- hockeyhero
- swingandamiss
- guiltyplayer
- eyeforaneye
- kungfukicker
- ninjashooter
- buttonhook
- ibeatrocky
- ultimateplayer
- teamplayer
- shootitup
- eatmybullets
- gangofone
- photofinish
- shootonsite
- borntoplay
- iamironman
- hailmary
- truegamers
- stinglikeabee
- mentalplayer
- holeinone
- runswellinmud
- shootingstar
- killshot
- instantreplay
- hokeypokeyhero
- zipliner
- rocksolid
- iamthehulk
- takemyquarterback
- slapshot
- pictureperfectthrow
- hockeymom
- happyjock
- sportsaddict
- mrrookie
- readyforatrade
- coolplayer
- armwrestler
Fun TikTok Username Ideas
Not every username will motivate your viewers to select the follow button. But a funny name at least gives you a shot at grabbing the viewer’s attention. It’s up to you to create fun content, but these usernames will do their part in initially grabbing viewers’ attention.
- outofworkactor
- creativecutie
- somethingsgottagive
- nightattheclub
- colormehip
- representingblonde
- pubthumper
- crazyjoker
- livetoparty
- ihaveadroolingproblem
- canttouchthis
- avacadotoast
- imsomethingnew
- raisedbywolves
- creatureofhabit
- mr.rowdy
- socialmediajunky
- caughtbycorona
- inarelationship
- imsupalonely
- muffinhead
- tigerking
- monkeytoman
- bornconfused
- grenadesucker
- bigcrybaby
- offmythrown
- babybear
- stupidcupid
- fooledme
- couchking
Cool Yet Casual TikTok Username Ideas
If you’re looking for a cool yet casual username, then these usernames will do just fine!
- zootsuitpilot
- coolandcute
- hardlyanygood
- kokotheguerilla
- happilyhopeless
- swampmaster
- mysterydate
- showersinger
- missmycupcake
- borntobewild
- girlyguy
- illdoittomorrow
- topcat
- snapoutofit
- mistermister
- whatsupwiththat
- ohsnap
- laughoutloud
- thekillingjoke
- bleachedwhale
- thatsfunny
- ladylaughter
- gilligansfantasyisland
- takemypicture
Unique TikTok Username Ideas
If you want your viewers to be curious about who you are and what you do, these usernames will help you create curiosity among your viewers!
- darksoldier
- theycallmedynamite
- pityfulsoul
- basejumper
- smeezeme
- ghoststory
- whackattack
- burstyourbubble
- theintellectual
- instantlyfamous
- kissmecrazy
- fiddlesticks
- mindgamer
- darkfire
- funkydude
- lonsomeloser
- geekprincess
- mistakenidentity
- dogbone
- cybercore
- tickletheivories
- notasuitandtieguy
- shoottokill
- latinloverboy
- tiktokkahuna
- blackhawkdown
- angeleyes
- swagsaver
- dressedtokill
- aliveandkickin
- redskull
- polywog
- diamondgirl
- cantfeelpain
- bubblehead
TikTok Username Ideas for Girls
If you’re a girl and you want a girly username for your TikTok account, go ahead and surf through the below-given usernames.
- uptowngirl
- chiquita
- airfusion
- metalhead
- cyberking
- squirellnuts
- technogeek
- ivebeenhacked
- murdershewrote
- bassplayer
- videovoyeur
- pourmeanother
- epicicon
- barelyhere
- soultaker
- queenkong
- hickennuggets
- peaceofcake
- honeybee
- rowdyfornoreason
- famousfornoreaason
- ivebeenhypnotized
- bestbet
- lostmymind
- crazylikeafox
- photographicmemory
- foolmeonce
- smileforthecamera
- itsnotme
How do I change my TikTok name?
You must first sign up for the app using your email address, Facebook, or phone number. The TikTok app automatically assigns you a numeric user name if you sign up with your phone number. To change your TikTok username, tap the icon in the bottom right corner that looks like the upper half of a person. Then, select “Edit Profile.” This is where you change your username to something like the ones we’ve listed here. You can also add bio information, a photo, and even a profile video.
Ten Most Popular TikTok Usernames
As we said before, we know Charli D’Amelio has the most followers and uses her own name. But there are other names on TikTok that stand out. Here are, in our opinion, the ten best TikTok usernames. Most of them use their names too.
1) Fighthouse
Started by a 19-year-old named Jacob Pace, the idea of this TikTok account was to create a music video channel with short videos, not unlike MTV. Creative Music Group purchased fighthouse, and it currently has 24.6 million viewers.
2) Lorengray
With 54.6 million viewers, Loren Gray is right behind Charli D’Amelio. Her posts are similar to D’Amelio’s dance videos.
3) Zachking
He makes videos that give an illusion that he’s performing magic. Zach King is an outstanding filmmaker and is just behind Loren Gray with 69 million followers.
4) Babyariel
Ariel Rebecca Martin aka @babyariel is a 18-year-old singer who posts a lot of entertaining content. She is one of the queens of of social media and has 35.9 million fans. She was voted one of the most important social influencers by Time magazine.
5) Ryaz.14
Ryaz Aly is a 16-year-old fashion writer, actor, and big-time influencer. He currently has 45.1 million followers.
6) Khanchers
Kristen Hancher is a fashion influencer at the age of just 19 years! She posts videos about beauty, fashion and comedy. She has 879.8k followers.
7) Gilmhercroes
Gil Croes is a comedian and lip-syncer who creates funny videos that reach a wide audeince of 35.1 million!
8) Addisonrae
Addison Rae has over 88 million followers. She posts dancing videos with her Mom, Sheri, and has landed marketing campaigns with big brands like Chipotle and Cover Girl, all thanks to TikTok!
9) Jacobsatorius
Jacob Sartorius is a singer and a famous online personality. He is from Oklahoma and has gained an impressive following of 23.7 Million!
10) Dobretwins
With 35.9 million fans, twins Lucas and Marcus Dobre-Mofid, dub themselves The Dobre Twins. They like to post lip-sync and dance videos along with some comedy clips!
Wrapping Up
Pick your TikTok username wisely, and you will attract more followers. Your username reflects reflect the image you want to project out there. Many TikTok users use their own names and have had success doing just that. Share this post with your friendly so they can advantage from these username ideas too.
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